Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Picture it
Two bodies
Lie navel to navel
Grounded by rock, warmed by greening sun
Two souls
Center to Center, Heart to Heart
Energy shared and separate

When we must move apart
We each have in our care
A portion - heart and self -
Of the Other's soul.
High above
I see the drainage of a 1009 different waters
The width of a great river
A mere thread unravelling
High above
The many shines and shadows
Patterned earth of
seven shades of green and
Twenty nine varieties of brown
Prime, into only itself, One
A bank to the left opens my window to the sky
I think I can see the void of space from here
As white moves to turquoise to rich azure and deepest black
Above even me
I am solid, patterned, run with flowing energy
Of blood and emotion
I am limitless open changeable
Sometimes hiding the depth of myself
Behind shimmering clouds or sunny brightness

Picture it Two bodies Lie navel to navel Grounded by rock, warmed by greening sun Two souls Center to Center, Heart to Heart Energy shared a...